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Assessing your Readiness 03 Moving your on-premise systems to Assessing your readiness prior the cloud may seem daunting. That initial step of building a business case to your move to the cloud will will help, but even more knowledge is help you ease your business power. Assessing your readiness for transformation project by: Employee Central can give you a path to a successful implementation. There are activities you can undertake ahead • Identifying any signi昀椀cant and of a move to the cloud that will save costly roadblocks. time and avoid pitfalls in the long run. Many of the customer concerns around • Gaining a complete overview moving to Employee Central revolve around of all customizations in having too complicated of an on-premise SAP ERP HCM. system with too many customizations for cloud to be able to support their • Identifying any technical requirements. Integrations that might delay Look at your the project. • Itemizing risks and planning Current System for a mitigation strategy. When properly assessing your readiness, • Providing better insights to the you should be looking at your current Employee Central team entering system, while also checking for signi昀椀cant roadblocks that may come along during the design sessions. your implementation process. Here are some • Better planning, budgeting, important steps to take in assessing your readiness for Employee Central: and estimating all efforts. • First up, and perhaps one of the greatest • Identifying any data quality issues causes of insecurity for customers, or gaps that could potentially hinder is creating a list of SAP ERP HCM customizations. These customizations are the future cloud deployment. often created to align with an established • Breaking down internal cloud process. When moving to HCM in the cloud, it is time to start thinking about if project skillsets and experience those processes can be updated. to plan for the impending cloud project. / 7 © 2020 Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC af昀椀liate company. All rights reserved.

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