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Executive Summary As we celebrate a milestone of reaching 20+ global SAP S/4HANA® Fashion projects, we wanted to share a few of our success stories from customers who’ve successfully transformed their operations with SAP S/4HANA®. These stories span across different verticals – wholesale, retail, and manufacturing, different sizes -ranging from mid-to-large scale companies and are from varying industries –from streetwear to luxury accessories. However, these fast-growing companies share one thing in common: a growth mindset rooted in leveraging digital technology to strengthen the customer experience and drive revenue growth. By utilizing a digital core made possible by SAP S/4HANA® Fashion, we'll showcase stories of three major fashion companies that underwent digital transformation and its impact on the business. 22 ©© 22002222 RRiizziinngg LLLLCC oorr aa RRiizziinngg LLLLCC aaffffiilliiaattee ccoommppaanny.y. AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvevedd..

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