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Introduction 01 Technology in the human resources space on-premise edition” as a bridge to give has moved rapidly since the 昀椀rst cloud additional time to those customers enterprise solutions were introduced just who are not ready to fully move to after the turn of the millennium. It began SAP SuccessFactors in the mid-term. initially with talent management tools, but now all of what an HR organization needs Whether or not customers migrate from to do can be done in the cloud. Today, on-premise SAP to SuccessFactors now, cloud solutions for HR remove not only the migrating to the cloud is inevitable because infrastructure burdens, but, more importantly, the systems of 20 and 30 years ago simply drive improved processes and continual were not designed to keep up with the innovation. pace of change and innovation in today’s business and consumer-driven market. The cloud is the path to innovation and This does not simply mean that technology ef昀椀ciency in HR and payroll. That is why needs to change – everything needs to companies running SAP ERP HCM all over change starting with how we think about the world are moving to cloud solutions like HR transactions from hire to retire; because SAP SuccessFactors to transform their HR business processes are not simply evolving. and payroll processes—SAP even has a program for this called Upgrade2Success. We are now seeing the tipping point from evolution to an outright reimagination of To ensure maximum return-on-investment what is possible and as a result, businesses (ROI) in moving to the cloud, SAP’s themselves are being completely and totally Upgrade2Success program combines recreated, redesigned, and reconstructed. three key elements that are vital to the Changing your core HR system — a system success of any project: that is arguably at the very center of every single business transaction — is a once in a PEOPLE: People with deep expertise in decade, or perhaps even a once in a lifetime, opportunity. SAP ERP HCM and SAP SuccessFactors. Given customers’ desire for innovation PROCESSES: Best practice approaches to keep pace with today’s HR needs, the to identifying the risks associated with motivation is there to move to the cloud. migrating from heavily customized legacy The good news is many SAP customers programs to new cloud technologies. have already upgraded from on-premise HCM to SAP SuccessFactors Employee TECHNOLOGY: Tools to simplify and Central, so there are many best practices, accelerate the migration. tools, and services provided by SAP and its partners that can ensure the smoothest implementation and best possible result. If you are an SAP on-premise customer, In this comprehensive paper, we will provide it is important to know that SAP is ending insight into the entire process of upgrading mainstream maintenance for SAP ERP to the cloud and SAP SuccessFactors from HCM in 2027. SAP SuccessFactors is the an on-premise HCM environment. We go-forward solution for HR. and the primary will take you through the necessary steps focus of SAP-led innovations in HR. from business case to implementation and ® In 2018 SAP announced an SAP S/4HANA adoption. We will also highlight the useful HCM on-premise solution, “SAP Human tools and services that can make things Capital Management for SAP S/4HANA, easier along the way. / 3 © 2020 Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC af昀椀liate company. All rights reserved.

Guide for SAP SuccessFactors - Page 3 Guide for SAP SuccessFactors Page 2 Page 4