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the transformative potential of cloud-based HXM systems and those organizations clinging to on-premises HR solutions. Additionally, the leading organizations are 33% more likely to implement SAP HXM SuccessFactors in the cloud, indicat- ing a proactive approach toward HXM adoption. These organi- zations are also more likely to reap the benefits of HXM adoption, such as greater efficiency, improved employee sat- isfaction, and enhanced employee communication, represent- ing the top business outcomes identified by leading organizations. Whether leader or laggard, all organizations share a com- mon goal — improved HR strategies, engaging work environ- Insider ment, and enhanced business performance. To achieve this, Perspective the transition from purely administrative HR processes to a more integrated, employee-centric approach as a founda- tional business strategy, is required. This is where HXM sys- “Over the next one to two tems and modern ERP platform adoption become essential. years our road map for HXM For SAP organizations navigating this journey, the survey includes evaluating the SAP findings are indicative of an important end goal — a cloud HR landscape that prioritizes human experiences supported by S/4 HANA system as well as advanced technologies like SAP S/4HANA, SAP SuccessFac- exploring other options that tors HXM Suite, and SAP Time and Attendance Management may be available. by WorkForce Software. We have several competing Overall, the survey findings make a compelling case for project priorities from organizations using on-premises HR solutions to reassess their stance. Leading organizations demonstrate that adopt- various business partners ing HXM systems that offer modern and robust time and at- across the organization, but tendance functionality is essential for staying relevant and we have dif昀椀culty 昀椀lling competitive. Meeting compliance requirements for flexible needed open positions to scheduling, coupled with the advantages of improved effi- ciency, heightened employee satisfaction, and better commu- secure the right resources and skills.” nication, form a compelling case for HXM systems adoption. By taking a strategic, future-focused approach to HR manage- ment, organizations can achieve success in a rapidly chang- – PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, NORTH ing, predominantly deskless employee operating environment. AMERICAN SOFTWARE This year’s survey also revealed several key findings re- COMPANY garding how SAPinsider organizations approach HXM and SAP S/4HANA strategic priorities. These are: • SAP HCM systems hold a significant market share as 68% of respondents utilize SAP HCM systems, including SAP Suc- cessFactors. Workday HCM and Oracle Cloud HCM trail be- hind, adopted by 15% and 4% of participants, respectively. • Change management is the most significant obstacle in managing the existing HCM environment, as identified by 36% of respondents. This reflects the difficulties in adapting SAPinsider Benchmark Report | HCM and SAP S/4HANA 7

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