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03 Enabling data-fuelled decision-making Challenge: Challenge: Need for data and analysis increases exponentially during a M&A. Lack of insights as to existing skills regarding new roles. The need for strategic analytics increases astronomically during Without the right tools in place, it’s easy for existing sta昀昀 to The human capital an M&A. In particular, HR teams typically need to report to boards get overlooked for a promotion in the newly merged company, component can equate and possibly equity 昀椀rms with information around workforce or to get placed in the wrong area. to between planning, compensation and attrition targets. % % 10and15 What’s needed: What’s needed: of the total purchase price 6 • A comprehensive assessment of your analytics maturity to • Use modern tools to get the insights you need to more of an acquisition. identify gaps and opportunities. e昀昀ectively plan for migration, so you’re deploying the right • Investment in a consistent, highly-governed reporting and people into the right roles. analytics solution that can integrate with your current workforce. • Archiving of any dated legacy data to de-risk and “de-clutter” your migration to the new solution. • Rapid integration of data from all aspects of the new business – right from the outset – so you have immediate insights about your new, combined workforce. 9

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