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Rizing Packaged O昀昀erings with Qualtrics Lifecycle QuickStart Leverage Leading Practices & Automation for Maximum Business Bene昀椀t Onboarding Future Expansion Opportunities Exit Features Bene昀椀ts First Time Change in Performance Awards Features Bene昀椀ts Manager Manager Management NominationJenny Hall, director of project catalyst, carhartt Triggered by hiring XM Institute leading Trigged by XM Institute leading into SuccessFactors practices enable Features Bene昀椀ts o昀昀boarding process practices enable EC based on employee engagement. Triggered by an event. Set actions based and intelligent employee engagement. business rules on any trouble spots automation. in Qualtrics. with transition . Integrated solution Insights Integrated solution Automation reduces Unique to the Automation reduces governed by on employee governed by manual intervention business rules, experience and business rules, individual using a need for HR or and follow-up lifecycle project . manager intervention . distribution, expectations, distribution, activities. collection, belonging and collection, and analysis. rejoining possibility. and analysis. Maximize value from unlimited Set multiple touch Assess experience as lifecycle licenses. points (week one, employee acclimates . month one…etc). Action planning extension possible. Secure SFTP Integration to SuccessFactors record Action planning extension possible. is included, 22 standard 昀椀elds and two custom SSO authentication is available to link responses to the Must be using the required event reasons as individual without the use of a manual authentication step. indicated (e.g., “First time manager”). Candidate JumpStart Leverage Leading Practices & Automation for Maximum Business Bene昀椀t Candidate Solution Hiring Manager Recruiter E昀昀ectiveness Index Features Bene昀椀ts Features Bene昀椀ts Features Bene昀椀ts Gives recruiters, XM Institute leading Triggered at 昀椀ve XM Institute Triggered once a XM Institute leading di昀昀erent points across candidate enters practices enhance or recruitment practices enable leading practices candidate lifecycle. enable employee the interview hiring manager managers the ability direct feedback to engagement. stage of the experience and review their own individual recruiters recruitment process. improve process performance, and about the candidate’s understand where experience at each e昀케ciency. Integrated solution Expedited existing recruitment stage of the process. governed by process, implementation practices might be with JavaScript, with precon昀椀gured Focus on hiring Expedited failing across all parts pop-up and questions and manager KPIs: implementation of the business. SAP intelligent dashboards. Experience, with precon昀椀gured services triggers. Expectation, Trust, questions and No additional Insights Con昀椀dence in Hire, dashboards. Multiple touchpoints questions required, on candidate and Speed to Hire. data is drawn from the experience, at investigate, apply, screen, interview Prebuilt candidate cycle and expectations, communication 昀椀ltered by recruiter. belonging and and o昀昀er stages. joining possibility. guide to assist in deployment success. Get actionable insights to improve your employee experience at every touchpoint For more information or an overview of the Qualtrics, [email protected] please visit or send an email to [email protected] Copyright © 2023 Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC a昀케liate company. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or 昀椀tness for a particular purpose. We speci昀椀cally disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.

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