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SAP S4HANA Fashion & Retail

3 Fashion and Retail Companies Share their SAP S4HANA Success Stories

SAP S/4HANA® Fashion and Retail Success Stories 3 Fashion Companies share their Digital Transformation ® Journey on SAP S/4HANA 1 © 2022Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Executive Summary As we celebrate a milestone of reaching 20+ global SAP S/4HANA® Fashion projects, we wanted to share a few of our success stories from customers who’ve successfully transformed their operations with SAP S/4HANA®. These stories span across different verticals – wholesale, retail, and manufacturing, different sizes -ranging from mid-to-large scale companies and are from varying industries –from streetwear to luxury accessories. However, these fast-growing companies share one thing in common: a growth mindset rooted in leveraging digital technology to strengthen the customer experience and drive revenue growth. By utilizing a digital core made possible by SAP S/4HANA® Fashion, we'll showcase stories of three major fashion companies that underwent digital transformation and its impact on the business. 22 ©© 22002222 RRiizziinngg LLLLCC oorr aa RRiizziinngg LLLLCC aaffffiilliiaattee ccoommppaanny.y. AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvevedd..

CASE STUDY #01 Workwear Apparel and Footwear Company Implements Digital ERP To Support Customer Demand Company Overview A family-owned premium workwear manufacturer, this company offers clothing, jackets and footwear specially made for high-performance durability, comfort and high-quality construction. Challenges Solution • The company was operating multiple legacy systems, • The first phase of the project focused on digitizing retail which was hampering the company's effort to drive operations on SAP S/4HANA® their omni-channel strategy. The existing system was fast approaching its end-of-life and proved • The company utilized our pre-configured solution for SAP cumbersome. S/4HANA®Fashion –attune Fashion Suite™to build out a • Multitude of customized and disparate systems could Future Reference Solution (FRS) that would assist the detailed design not sustain the company’s growth • The company was facing difficulties in managing its • The attune Fashion Suite™was subsequently utilized to pools of cross-channel inventory due to lack of accelerate the build process visibility. • The solution was implemented across 30+ retail stores • The company realized that changes were needed in • Mobile enablement of retail operations done utilizing SAP Fiori the processes that the technology was enabling. Apps • Integration testing and project cutover was carried out completely virtually • Next phase of the project includes wholesale and manufacturing operations as well as integration of ecommerce 3 © 2022Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC affiliate company. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY #01: WORKWEAR APPAREL AND FOOTWEAR COMPANY Benefits and Value Delivered Digitization of Real-time End-to-end Retail Operations Inventory Management Transparency Successfully established retail operations on SAP Single view of inventory to optimize stock, sourcing A global view of process ownership helps the S/4HANA® for improved merchandise management and allocation to reduce stock-outs, lost sales and company to unlock savings, increase performance, and drove the digitization of store operations with excess stock. lower costs, and gain more meaningful business mobile-enabled apps; eliminating manual tasks with insight. automated processes. IT End-to-end Single Solution For Simplification Process Improvement Wholesale & Retail Simpler landscape and simplified business Standardized and integrated processes, where all Single vertically integrated platform across processes helps manage and execute all core transactions are captured in one SAP system. wholesale and retail enables omni-channel processes in a common IT footprint - lowering TCO. business processes and services. 4 © 2022Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC affiliate company. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY #02 Multinational Luxury Group Gears for Growth with a Single, Global Multi-brand SAP S/4HANA® Instance This is a multinational luxury fashion holding company based in NY, with global presence across Company Overview 55+ countries, 5 continents, over 1500 stores with over 20,000 employees in Europe, Asia and North America. Challenges Solution • High M&A integration costs / timing and high-cost control • One solution for core business processes; we delivered the model due to inconsistent configuration across the globe supply chain stream among a multi-partner approach • Inability to centralize and leverage shared services • Developed a multi-brand global SAP S/4HANA® Fashion • Limited ability to re-engineer due to customized solutions roll-out strategy which included faster implementation by focusing on delivering core capabilities followed by phased • High degree of manual work deployment of advanced capabilities • Rising maintenance IT costs due to multiple systems • Single SAP S/4HANA® instance with integration to POS and SAP CAR; harmonized Global Processes and Templates • Limited cost visibility across key measures • Accelerated the timeline by leveraging “out of the box” functionality and accelerators; utilizing the attune Fashion • Inability to scale for high-growth categories (footwear, Suite™to implement retail and wholesale processes outerwear) • High degree of regional processes and standards - • Adopted global industry standards, and a robust foundation for faster integration of acquired brands employees across the globe were doing similar tasks using different processes and IT systems 5 © 2022Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC affiliate company. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY #02: MULTINATIONAL LUXURY GROUP Benefits and Value Delivered Robust foundation Reduced Best-practice Standardized for real-time features Costs Processes Operations Inventory checks, in-store Elimination of excess Single process on functions Integration of POS helps pickup for online purchases, systems and people costs such as reporting and auditing maintain common back-office and ability for sales associates across three brands operations to reserve a product for customers Cross Channel One Omnichannel Inventory Management Platform Model Visibility of channel specific Replacing seven ERP systems Simplified cross company inventory for cross channel with one single global transactions to support inventory consumption multiband platform helped Omni Channel and other streamline processes and data distribution processes across the company 6 © 2022Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC affiliate company. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY #03 Streetwear Brand Implements SAP S/4HANA®Fashion to Drive Exponential Growth Company Overview As one of the most influential streetwear brands globally, the company prides itself in revolutionizing the market through collaborating with iconic fashion brands. Challenges Solution • The company was currently using multiple legacy • We served as the prime solutions integrator for the global systems and excel based documents for master data SAP roll out across US, UK, France and Japan, covering retail, and daily operations. The legacy ERP system was not logistics and finance processes capable of handling the scale of operations the company had achieved • The company leveraged our preconfigured solution for SAP • Manual processes in the warehouse and business S/4HANA® Fashion as the proven practice template and operations offices were consuming immense project accelerator manpower • Seamlessly executed ECOM/OMS and WMS integration to • As the company expanded in scale and to various manage huge order volumes during weekly launches/drops regions, there was an increasing lack of visibility • Supported the hosting of all SAP environments on a private across various functions and regions in the cloud with safeguards built-in to handle order volume peaks organization • Inability to process huge volumes of inbound orders and POS to financials • Data on Available to Sell inventory was manually uploaded to e-commerce systems with no visibility to free stock 7 © 2022Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC affiliate company. All rights reserved.

CASE STUDY #03: STREETWEAR BRAND Benefits and Value Delivered Real-time Inventory SAP S/4HANA® Fashion View Management Accelerator Accurate Available to Sell inventory Better inventory control and visibility Rapid deployment and faster data to effectively optimize e- across channels and regions with realization through identification of commerce operations accurate product costing process relevant best practices via a pre- configured solution Real-time Single Best-Practice Analytics Platform Processes Higher inventory visibility and Ability to manage e-commerce, retail Standardized global procurement and inter- accuracy, with better performance and wholesale business processes in company sourcing process via creation of measurements one integrated system an automated inter-company buy-sell process 8 © 2022Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Next Step: Free Assessment If you are looking to build a business case for SAP ® S/4HANA for Fashion Retail, we can help with our Free Assessment. Get in touch to schedule a discussion now. Contact Us 9 © 2022Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC affiliate company. All rights reserved. 9

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