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goes elsewhere, did not like the responses, • Solution Information – Can the partner underestimated the required budget demonstrate a clear understanding of and could not get appropriate 昀椀nancing, what your organizational needs and procurement invalidated chosen partner). objectives are, and clearly describe a In many instances where it is not a pro- solution and path towards attaining them? curement requirement to do an RFP, it may • References – Does the partner have make more sense to just begin with a short speci昀椀c references in good standing list of three to four partners. These could that are relevant to the work you are be consulting 昀椀rms that have worked with attempting to do? your organization before or who have been referred to the business. Having them do a • Project Pro昀椀les – Can the partner short proposal and presentation may often provide resource biographies that could get you what is needed relatively quickly and be available for the project start date avoid a lengthy bid and tender affair. and a guarantee that they will not switch resources? Note: It is unlikely that Information partners will agree to a de昀椀nitive team in a response, but showing the willingness What information does the business need to to try to provide the “A” team and to make an informed partner decision? If your ensure no “bait and switching” of 昀椀nalized organization requires or prefers the RFP resources should be the ask for any route, it will be imperative that the questions organization looking to procure the best you ask in your tender get you as much support possible. relevant information that you need about your potential partner. Recommended areas Costing to inquire about would include some of the following: How can we do an apples-to-apples • Company Overview – General history of comparison of pricing amongst different Not all partners the company, how long they have been RFP bids? This is the constant challenge structure their pricing in business, where they are based, what when doing a tender, as it is possible to get the same, even for services and products they provide, etc. widely different costing in the responses similar scope. • Specializations and Differentiators – that are sent back from partners. What makes this partner unique in their It is therefore important to have a clearly space and separates them from their de昀椀ned scope in a response that can serve competition? as the basis for comparison from one • Bench Strength – How many consultants partner to another. Additionally, while the does the partner have, where are they procurement team may love the price point located globally, and are they direct of the lowest bid, this should be only one employees of the company? factor in the evaluation of a partner selection. Not all partners structure their pricing the • Certi昀椀cations and Credentials – Does the same, even for similar scope. There could partner have the appropriate and speci昀椀c be important differences in intellectual certi昀椀cations to do the job needed? property, resource seniority, on-site versus • Project Experience – Does the partner remote time, project management and minor have relevant and recent project scope variations that could make a large experience that demonstrate a track- difference in bid numbers. Pay attention to record of success? Is this experience the details and be sure to get as transparent analogous to what your company will a breakdown as possible on the partner’s be attempting with your project? pricing model. / 10 © 2020 Rizing LLC or a Rizing LLC af昀椀liate company. All rights reserved.

Guide for SAP SuccessFactors - Page 10 Guide for SAP SuccessFactors Page 9 Page 11